Tuesday, June 12, 2012

0.1 And So It Begins....

A bright new day dawns on the picturesque Sunset Valley. The sun is shining, the birds are singing . . . .

Mortimer - I hate birds. >:[

Well hello to you too, sweetpea. Don't let the sourpuss face fool you. Mortimer is perfectly happy to be here today. Aren't you, Morty?

Mortimer - *grumbles grumpily under his breath*

If you haven't read my 'About' post, Mortimer Goth here will be the first official Torch Holder of this ISBI. The challenge doesn't technically begin until Morty is a young adult, though, so for now we'll all be following a prequel of sorts as we wait for the little cutie to mature. A trial run, perhaps?

Even though they don't actually count, as per the rules of the ISBI I am only controlling Mortimer. His parents Gunther and Cornelia will be left on complete autonomy. I'm used to micro-managing all of my sims, so this should prove to be quite the interesting adventure for all of us.

Mortimer - So dad, you think maybe we could play a game of catch with this baseball I have in my back pocket?

Gunther - I could be working right now . . . .

Cornelia - I can't believe my unflirty trait allowed me to actually woohoo and produce a child . . .

Goth Family regulars will know Mortimer's starting traits by heart I'm sure, but for those not in the know - his three traits in childhood are Artistic, Grumpy and Ambitious. His favorite color is black and I can't remember his favorite food or music. I'll get back to you on those. XD

Mortimer forced his father to show some sort of paternal affection for a little while at least, but tossing a baseball around isn't really either of their style, sadly.

Not long afterward Mortimer's artistic trait decided that he'd like to learn a skill in painting and take a class for it, so off he goes on his little bicycle. I've decided I won't necessarily pigeon-hole him into going into the science career, I'll let his own traits and the game decide. And right now it looks like he might be leaning toward a career in front of the easel . . .

Meanwhile, back at the ranch mansion . . .

Whoa, wait? What's this? Autonomous kissing? Where's that unflirty trait, Cornelia? Normally when I play these two they want nothing to do with each other . . . weird . . .

Ah, that's more like it. Cornelia decides she'd like to take a dip in the swimming pool, and workaholic Gunther busts out a laptop from his magic pocket and starts playing Madden.

That continues until after Mortimer returns home with his brand-spankin-new painting skill point. I bought him an easel to use outside, since he could probably do with some more sunshine despite his previous protests otherwise.

Gunther - What is that even supposed to be?

Sometimes it's best not to ask, Gunther. Just let the creativity flooooow.

Gunther - . . . no sir, I don't like it.

Mortimer - Thanks a lot, dad. You're really earning an A in the Encouraging Parent department.

Cornelia - Oh don't mind me, just drowning here in the background . . .

Wait, WHAT?! You can't die yet, it's not even been a day!!! I refuse to be the suckiest ISBI writer in the existence of everything! GET OUT OF THE POOL!

Cornelia - Lawl, j/k.

Sweet bejeebus, thanks for giving me a heart-attack. >_< Ass.

Cornelia continues to flout all of my previous incarnations of her and initiates more conversation with her husband.

Cornelia - Soooo . . . the big dipper. That's a thing, right?

Gunther - Wat?

Mortimer - Doodedoodedoooooo . . . .

What . . . I don't even . . . who are you and what have you done with the real Goths? Because this smoochie-smoochie-lovey-dovey crap is NOT normal for you two . . . at least it's not been in my past experiences. O_o

Mortimer - Oh, hi Bella! Have I told you lately how awesome you are? I have? Well then . . . here it is again! You're AWESOME!

I'll admit that I'm a Mortimer/Bella fan, so unless something drastic happens they'll probably end up married. I am not a fan of Bella's Sims 3 version face, however, so she will probably undergo some drastic facial reconstructive surgery at some point.

Aha!! Now that's more like it. I have no idea what it is that Gunther did to tick her off, but it was a double-negative no-no.

And then they go right back to the flirting . . . this game is a lie. -_-

Since he isn't old enough to cook for himself and his parents are busy outside ruining what's left of his childhood, Morty settles down with some cold cereal for dinner.

And of course, as soon as I send him upstairs to bed, that's when Cornelia decides to come inside and make dinner. *shakes fist*

And behold! She manages not to burn it! Impressive, since she only has skill points in painting at this point. (And yet never touches any of the 3 art easels on the property . . . .)

Normally I would applaud your cleanliness and the doing of the dishes, but you are literally in the red of your energy bar right now. Can you please go to sleep?!

Cornelia - I'm on my way, calm down! Sheesh, you're a bit high-strung aren't you? I've still got 3 whole hours before I might pass out, plenty of time to find the bed.

I can already tell this challenge is going to play with my blood pressure . . .

FOR EXAMPLE!! Gunther! WTH are you making more mac'n'cheese! There's perfectly good left overs in the fridge!

Gunther - Because I wanna! So nyah! *phbbbbt!*

Gunther - Awweh. I burned it. :(

Hah, serves you right for wasting food! Now eat a bowl before you starve. Lordy, I'm soooo not used to seeing their motive bars get orange and red. O_o

Gunther - This tastes like charcoal . . . and shattered dreams.

I'm happy to report that Cornelia and Gunther both eventually found one of the double beds and got some sleep. Meanwhile Mortimer wakes up bright an early in the cutest pair of PJs I've ever seen, ready for his first day of school.

Mortimer - . . . did you watch me sleep?

I plead the fifth, on the account of answering will make me sound weird. Also, that's some . . . interesting wall art there behind you. O_o

Mortimer - I spy with my little eye . . . a pedobear.

D: Ouch, Morty.

Then stop watching me bathe, perv.

My TH is very harsh this morning. Must be his grumpy trait . . . .

Mail Man - Take that, you rich and sophisticated Goth Family! I hope you like dirt and shame with your post!

Wow, looks like Mortimer isn't the only one, either.

Well this looks like it might be a good place to end the first installment. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment either here or back on the Sims 3 forum, I <3 feedback. :D

:: SCORECARD :: (Nothing yet, just get used to seeing it ^_^ )

Self Wetting : 
Passing Out : 
Failing School : 
Game-Forced visit from Police, Firefighters or Babysitters : 
Accidental Deaths : 
Social Worker Visit : 

Every Birth :
Twins : 
Triplets : 
Fulfilling LTWs :
Every Honor Roll :
Randomizing every LTW and trait for an entire generation : 
Not Using Spares Lifetime Happiness points for an entire generation : 
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : 
Painting of Torch Holder : 

PREVIOUS                                                                           NEXT


  1. When I play the Goths, Cornelia and Gunther go off and make little Morty siblings. I just got back to the family last week (after a 3 month break) to find that she was pregnant! Again! Morty was a teen by then and had (2) children sister (1) toddler brother and (1) toddler sister. And then, the baby was born and it ended up being a boy and girl! WTF?!
    (BTW, their names were: Susan(Girl-Child) Petra (Girl-child) Carmen (Boy-toddler) Ria(Girl-toddler) Marcelle(boy-baby) and Luca(girl-baby).
    And then, Morty moved out, married Bella and came back a few days later. Guess who was preggers, again?! Well, apparently being fertile ran in the family, b/c Morty and Bella have (Boy-Teen) Luke (Girl-teen) Jenna (girl-child) Ginger (girl-toddler) Bridget and (boy-toddler) twins, Graham and Brent.

    1. Wooooooow. O_o That's so weird. As I said in this, in all the times I've ever played the Goths, Cornelia usually throws a fit if Gunther tries to get busy with her. And that's if he can pull himself away from work and/or his computer. That's very interesting though, lol, thanks for sharing! :D

  2. So, I was commenting on the latest Insanity Doesn't Compare chapter when I saw your comment about your ISBI! I decided to check it out, and I have to say that I love that you're playing Mortimer as a child, and seeing how that works out. I also love their genetics :)
    I also have an ISBI, along with a regular legacy if you're interested! This is the link to the ISBI: sweetisbi.wordpress.com and the regular legacy is under the My Other Blogs page if you're interested :)

    I'll continue reading tomorrow, I've gotta go be sleepy now. :D

  3. Yay!! I'm glad you decided to give me a peek! I bookmarked your ISBI, I'll definitely check it out tomorrow (it's also my bedtime, lolol). I hope you enjoy the Goth's insanity. :P Thanks again!

  4. How have I not seen this before! *bookmarked, off to marathon read all the chapters.*

