Sunday, October 7, 2012

3.4 Of Windows and Baby Making

Welcome back everyone, to yet another action-packed fail-packed episode of Goth-Sanity! We'll start off this chapter with what has become Caitlyn's absolute favorite past-time . . . staring out of windows. Seriously. It's all she ever does. 


Must be part of the Brooding trait?

Out in the back yard, Cassandra is busting the hot tub. 

CASSANDRA - Oh, nuggets.

Way to go, old lady. XD Luckily we have an indentured skeletal servant to take care of such things . . .


OMG, quick! Somebody snuggle the baby!!! I can't take that sad face!!

CAITLYN - No fair! I want to sit in the rocking chair! I'm PREGNANT!

JARROD - And I'm OLD, so get in line.

Seriously, they fight more over the chair than they do the baby and that's saying something.

But then, I can't blame them for fighting over Everett. I mean, can you? With that cute face?


And oh hey, moar babies!

Beau escorted his wife next door to the hospital where she yet again gave birth to a brand new baby boy! +5

Everyone meet Felix Goth! Felix is a Brave and Eccentric little sim who enjoys Pop music, Frogs Legs and the color White. He's also a Witch, like mommy. :D

Random shot of Jarrod about to pass out? Yes and no. He IS on the verge of passing out, but he's ALSO just reached the top of the Rock career (finally!)! So +10 for LTW fulfilled AAAANNNDDDD +5 for a NTH Spouse reaching the top of their career, yay!

Meanwhile Beauregard has managed to master the Alchemy skill as well as complete the opportunity challenges in order to score THIS thingy. The Philosopher's Stone, which allows you to turn things into gold and bind ghosts to your household.

I decided we'd give it a test run on some beeswax.

Success!! And this is just about the only time I've messed with it, so far. No real need for gold, and there's the slim chance it'll backfire and kill Beau and we reeeaaalllly don't want that to happen.

Oh, Cass! Seriously?! The BABY?!

Felix has only been in the house for a few sim hours and his evil, senile granny is already stealing his candy. Poor kid.

EVERETT - I stinkies! I don't like it. *wibbles*

Daddy to the rescue! My other sims are starting to slip on their assistant baby care, so Beau's having to pick up more of the slack. Now that his skill is maxed though he's not quite as busy, so it's no big deal.


He does. Trufax.

See? Instead of helping, Cassandra would rather tell Caitlyn silly jokes while the latter is still in her underwear.

BEAU - *photo-bombing outside in the background* Tending the gardeeeen, doodeedoo . . . .

CAITLYN - Are we gonna do this again, guys? I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM, for plumbob's sake! 

Well, you DO have another son you could play with . . . .

CAITLYN - Not with THOSE xylophone skills! Ick!

Wow, harsh . . .

CASSANDRA - *snooooooooooore*

JARROD - Ah, nothing like preparing to do the nasty in your son's bed, amirite?


Yah, remember how I said Cassandra and Jarrod were behaving themselves better than Mortimer and Bella? I take it back. They're just as bad now, if not worse.

CASSANDRA - Hurry up and get outta here, boy! I need to take a ride on the Jarrod-Express!

BEAU - And that is something I will never unhear . . . thank the Gods for brain bleach . . . .

CAITLYN - Windoooooooooooooow.

Really? What's so darned fascinating about that?!

Finally! I was beginning to wonder if all these pregnancies had scrambled her brain, since she couldn't seem to remember how to do anything other than eat, sleep, pee and stare out the window.

And now, for a brief break in the action in order to share some spares news. Since moving out, Daphne entered into a relationship with one Ayden Van Gould, the resident vampire patriarch of Moonlight Falls. In due time their flirtation and dating resulted in an oops pregnancy, which then led to a marriage.

This little guy here is the direct result; their son, Dimitri Goth. He's a vampire, if the skintone and the glowy-eyes didn't tip you off well enough.

A few days later Ayden's son from a previous relationship, Tristan, reached YA status and then started dating Deirdre. And got her oops pregnant. And then married her. Sooooo Daphne's twin sister is married to and pregnant by her stepson . . . . yeah. Only in the sims  (and Jerry Springer).

And now back to our regular scheduled ISB-- . . . uh.

The fact that Jarrod didn't react to her presence and Bonehilda didn't seem to care that he was naked . . . awkward? Creepy? Yes?

The rocking-chair strikes again, this time ghostie Bella lays claim to it for the night.

I think my favorite thing about alchemy is the invigoration elixirs. Pesky mom too busy to go to sleep and threatening a fail? THROW POTION! 


BEAU - Sammiches, beyotch!

Yeah . . . random thought bubble is random.

BEAU - Ooo, magic Eight Ball! Will I be getting lucky in the near future? *shakeshakeshake*

Erm . . . .

I take it those faces and expressions indicate a negatory? Poor guy.

I caught this happening the next morning. So YOU'RE the reason why I haven't had any papers needing to be recycled for the past few days. Duly noted.

Beau managed to sneak in a brief moment in the rocking chair while the rest of his family was busy with other things. He held Felix while he did so, SO CUTE.

In other parts of the house, Cassandra was trying to break her poor elderly husband's back. If they're not woohoo'ing, they're spamming romantic interactions. It's cute and frustrating all at once.

It was about this time that I discovered as a Rock God Jarrod never went to scheduled work anymore, he only had the option to do performances. Which he can't do on autonomy. So I went ahead and let him retire, that way we'd collect a pension and he had a wish for it anyways. So, win-win.


CASSANDRA - How come I can't retire?

Because you still go to work (only 3 days a week and only for a few hours, but still) and earn me like 2k a pop. Since your son is essentially unemployed and his wife has only been to work like twice . . . yeah. No retiring for joo.

Pesky dad won't go to sleep?

INVIGORATION! *skrsssshhh!* <--that's my broken glass sound-effect. I R BAWS.

Just Everett . . . being a-FREAKING-dorable. Carry on, little man. Carry on.

Caitlyn and Cassandra decide to throw some funny faces at each other. Cass actually hasn't scared the pee out of her for a while now, perhaps she's decided to declare a truce.

Beau soon interrupts them, however. Because we have plannnsssssss . . . .

Procreation Elixir? Am I sure I want multiples? No?


CAITLYN - Hehehe, mama's about to get her GROOVE on. Rawr.

After getting that 'gleam in his eye' (I swear, the game's moodlet's words, not mine) our favorite couple quickly took things into the bedroom.

Jarrod and Cassandra however can't be bothered with silly things like personal privacy.

MORTIMER - I mean, honestly! Right in front of her father? SHAMEFUL!

Morty was not a fan.


Babies on the waaaaaaaaay!

And just in time for Felix's first birthday! 

CAITLYN - *toooooooooooot!*

BEAU - I'll be surprised if I have working eardrums by the end of this generation.

Felix successfully transitions into an EQUALLY adorable toddler. He also has grandma Cassandra's darker skin and mama's purple eyes, but daddy's black hair.

For once, Caitlyn manages to be one of the first to lay claim to the new baby.

Jarrod settles for Everett. I say 'settles,' but really. The cute. It cannot be contained!

AAAAH Double Cute Power ACTIVATE! *dies from the adorbs*

Aww, Jarrod! A little less time snogging your wife and more time caring for your bodily needs, plz. Kthxbai.


CAITLYN - Hee, baby!

CASSANDRA - Again? Geez, those two are like little bunnies.

You have NO room to talk, missy. None at all.

This would almost be cute if Cuddlebones' eyes weren't wide open and staring endlessly into the pit of my withering soul.


Potty training is just about the only toddler skill I even bother with, and even that is hit or miss. Things are just too hectic to bother with the other skills.

OMG, you guys are doing something romantic together that DOESN'T involve a bouncing bed and hearts confetti?

*dies of shock*


Well, it's a good thing, cause you're gonna have a lot of 'em. :P

Seriously, he's an adorable father. ALMOST as cute as his grandpa Mortimer. Almost.

Caitlyn's coming right along in what will hopefully be the last pregnancy of this generation. *fingers crossed*

Poor Everett. Bonehilda loves him to pieces, and he's scared spitless of her. I've discovered that it IS his neurotic trait, as Felix shows no reaction to her whatsoever. But any time she's in the same room with him, poor Everett gets a -25 moodlet.

JARROD - Why are you screaming, Felix?

CAITLYN - I could be wrong, but the STARVING thought-bubble over his head might have something to do with it. Maybe you should, oh I dunno . . . FEED him?

Spoiler - he totally didn't. Just held him for an hour and then put him down to go woohoo with Cassandra instead. -_-*

Aww, lookit!! Cute alligator toy with a bow on it's head! <3!

But suddenly, BABIES! To the hospital!

And . . . wait, why is there only one baby? Where's the other one?

BEAU - Yeah . . . about that. There aren't twins. Just one baby again.

Well what the heck was that Procreation Elixir for then?!?!

BEAU - I don't . . . know?

Oh well, at least it's a girl this time. VARIETY! Introducing the loverly Gwendolyn Goth! Born with the traits Couch Potato and Genius, she enjoys Pop music, Spaghetti and the color White. If not for the spagetti I'd wonder if I somehow got glitched babies with the same favorites, since Felix also loves pop music and the color white. She's also a Witch, like mommy and Felix.

But more importantly, Birth = +5

I moved the front bathroom and extended the house somewhat, taking a third off the nursery in order to make room for another bedroom. This will be Everett and Felix's bedroom once they're old enough.


Gunther decides to grace us with his presence, and spends most of the night out in the hot tub. I didn't realize his swimwear had sunglasses. Lawl.

Cornelia . . . 'plays' on the computer. I think she forgot to turn it on . . . .

All too soon Beau is getting acquainted with his newest spawn thru midnight feedings and snugglies.

CASSANDRA - Hmm . . . I'm pretty sure I came into the bathroom for a reason . . . but then I saw ghostie Cuddlebones and EEE, CUTE KITTY! 

CUDDLEBONES - I AM baws, it's true.

CASSANDRA - But seriously, I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

CASSANDRA - *pees self* Oh . . . right. That's what it was.



This is just to show you guys the sheer level of Bonehilda's favoritism for Everett. Felix is lonely and smelly, stuck in his crib with no one coming to his rescue any time soon. Instead of help him, Bonehilda would rather tickle and play with Everett, who needs ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Bonehilda just loves her some Everett. Just that simple. And that would cute and funny if it wasn't for the fact that she scares the crap out of him.

But all is not lost! It's time for Everett's next birthday, so he'll finally be able to take care of his own needs and escape Bonehilda's clutches.


Booyah! Everett becomes a child, with the Dog Person trait locked in. I gave him some glasses like gramma, and also some freckles (which I meant to give him when he was a toddler and totally forgot, durrrr).

So now his problems with Bonehilda should be over, right---




That's it for this episode! Hope you all enjoyed it! Will Bonehilda ever win Everett's affection? Are Beau and Caitlyn's baby-making days over, or is there one more spawn on the horizon? Stay tuned to find out! Til then, happy simming!


Self Wetting : (16)
Passing Out : (16) - 80
Failing School : (0)
Game-Forced visit from Police, Firefighters or Babysitters : (0)
Accidental Deaths : (0)
Social Worker Visit : (0)
Cheat Penalty : (1) -10

Every Birth : (6) +30
Twins : (1) +10
Triplets : (0)
Fulfilling LTWS : (4) +40 
NTH Spouse Reaching Top of Career : (1) +5
Every Honor Roll : (1) +5
Randomizing every LTW and trait for an entire generation : (1) +10
Not Using Spares Lifetime Happiness points for an entire generation : (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : (2) +40
Painting of Torch Holder : (0)

TOTAL = -15 

PREVIOUS                                                           NEXT


  1. I love Bonehilda. :) Poor Everette though, haha! Awesome chapter! The elderly are in serious need of some Depends. :D

    1. I <3 Bonehilda too, tho I think she's starting to glitch up a bit in my save, which makes me sad. D: Hopefully she'll straighten out. And I KNOW, right? I should totally get them some adult diapers . . .

  2. LOL! Love it! XD I should probably play some with my ISBI too... :P

    1. Hahah, glad to hear it. :D Strangely enough, I'm finding it more difficult to play my other files now that I've gotten used to playing an ISBI. Controlling ALL the sims has become kind've a chore, lol!
