Thursday, June 13, 2013

4.6 Randomly Random

As the title would imply, this chapter is chocked full of random happenings, so I'll apologize in advance if it seems chaotic. Then again, this IS an ISBI legacy so . . . a certain amount of chaos should be expected I suppose.

Chimaera would like to kick things off today by giving the family pet Starlight a good brushing.

Then Starlight decided that it was time to age up into an elder-kitty.

She did so amidst a storm of sparklies. She's got a lot of gray/white on her face and paws, but otherwise looks the same.

After helping her celebrate, Chimaera went out to enjoy his old standby--the hot tub. Full moon night and twenty below, surrounded by ghosts and zombies? Yep, perfect hot-tubbing weather.

It would be a Lady Goths haunting night ; Cornelia and Bella were the first to arrive.

Then Cassandra appeared, making a beeline for the computer.

And Caitlyn rounded them out, enjoying a good book in the living room.

Before luring Beau into the bedroom for some happy-fun-timez. I've never had any of my other ghost spouses interact like this, it makes me happeh.

Guess who isn't happy? That would be Ichabod, caught in the midst of his first teen mood swing.

After setting a few choice traps around the house, Icky proceeds to play with magic for hours. Seriously, I've never seen a witch sim play with magic autonomously as much as Ichabod does.


Yep. Definitely Honour's son.

Once he finally had enough of that, he made time to jam out on his bass/cello.

And earn brownie points by helping mom with his little brother's needs.

Especially since mom was . . . otherwise occupied . . . .

HONOUR - Aurgh!

Jocelyn is . . . eating brains. Egh.

JOCELYN - What? I was hungry. It was in the fridge. 'Nuff said.

Darned Bonehilda.

After mentally scarring me, she moves on to playing on the rocking horse.

ICHABOD - So why don't aliens eat clowns? Because they TASTE FUNNY!

CHIMAERA - *giggle-snort* Good one, son!

Well, at least someone appreciates Icky's cheesy humor.

Luckily Beau helps clean up around the house, so I don't have to have Bonehilda out very often. While convenient--and mood-appropriate for the Goth house--she's become more and more annoying to me. I might get rid of her altogether soon. :/


Yep, he's still 'playing with his wand.' 



And Chimaera is back out in the hot tub again. <--not surprised.

And then, we suddenly got a hot-dog trick or treater . . . even though it's in the latter days of winter . . . um, wat?

Then another one! This one is actually related to us, Henri's son Harold. But still, wrong season guys! Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just my random-@ss game?

Jocelyn teaches her nemesis little brother the joys and wonder of video-gaming.

While Honour decides to continue on the family tradition of having your adult birthday randomly and unexpectedly outside at night. 

And breaking her leg in the process.

HONOUR - Yay, I'm one step closer to dying!

... -_-* ...

Aside from a few facial wrinkles, she looks exactly the same and managed to escape a MLC.

I forced Chimaera to age up on the same day. I don't want him to still be a young adult when she's in her elder stage. I still haven't decided 100% what I'm gonna do with him once Honour inevitably dies before him. 

Either boot him out of the house to live in SP, or keep him in the house as a never-ending house-guest . . . I dunno, what do you guys think?

We quickly got rid of that horrible FEMALE hair, replacing it with a cool CC hairstyle I recently downloaded. He looks completely the same, but of course he got a big fat Mid-Life Crisis. *sigh*

After cheering her father on in his birthday, Jocelyn cornered her grandfather for a bedtime story. Laying down in his bed instead of her own.

Good to know that bedtime stories are just as fail as they were before.

JOCELYN - Grandpa! I'm not asleep!

STARLIGHT - Screaming brats sux.

JOCELYN - I will smother the cat in the morning.

Jocelyn wasn't satisfied with round one, so she roped her father into a second go-round. And failed just as hard. Luckily she finally decided to just go to bed on her own after that.

Seriously, EA. Bedtime stories - adorable in theory, annoying as fuuuuu** in practice.

CHIMAERA - Oh noes! My flawless genie beauty! You have been tainted by the cruel, cruel sands of time!

Poor Chi isn't taking this whole aging thing very well.

Newsflash, Honour is still getting abducted by aliens. And she's not enjoying it. Poor thing.

HONOUR - I thought you promised to protect me! Those stupid aliens keep kidnapping me and probing me!

CHIMAERA - That's because they're aliens, woman! My genie powers are null and void against them!

HONOUR - ;_;

Starlight is still precious. :3

BEAU - Do you remember how much your brother Felix loved ponies? Ah, it warms my heart . . .

HONOUR - Did you take your medicine today, daddy?

BEAU - Of course I did, what kind of question is that?

ICHABOD - *jamming*

HONOUR - I still can't believe you let me get kidnapped by aliens!!!! ALIENS, Chi! Green-skinned, bug-eyed monstrosities!!!!1!

CHIMAERA - Honour, I'm trying to go to the bathroom . . .

HONOUR - *heavy breathing*

So apparently that got Chimaera all hot and bothered . . . lawl.

And they quickly took things outside to one of the many igloos currently hanging out around the lot, courtesy of the ghosts.

And then, it was time for little Kensington to have his next birthday! And dad was on hand to help cheer the child on, for once.

Bam! Kensi successfully transitions into a child, rolling the Eccentric trait.

I took this to show what his skintone is SUPPOSED to look like. This is what his portrait panel shows, and he has the correct tone in CAS/Stylist. But in-game it reverts to a normal peachy color. -_-*

Icky? Can't be bothered to come home and help your little brother celebrate his birthday?

ICHABOD - Nope. 

Well then. How rude.

I bought Kensi an inventing bench and used his childhood action to show him where it was. His serious inventing face is serious.

And then . . . this. Before even one sim-hour had passed. >_<

I waited for him to run into one of the three available showers in the house. And instead he just stood there dancing around and burning alive. 


I finally had to send Honour in the room and put him out with a fire extinguisher before we lost one of our gen 5 heirs and had our first accidental death.

HONOUR - Oh no! My son turned into a crispy-critter!

KENSI - Seriously, EA?! Children sims can't garden or play musical instruments, but THIS is okay?!?!

Testify, little man.

Ichabod finally came home to finish his homework and Jocelyn did the same on the floor while Kensi read a book and festered in his own burnt flesh and despair.

Meanwhile Honour's hard at work on her last skill for her LTW, cooking.

Patently ignoring the rancid dishes on the table. Grandpa-Maid is slacking a bit, lately.

Kensi autonomously decided to eff the inventing station and his lying Eccentric trait and went to play on his mother's easel instead.

Jocelyn went outside to demolish some of the left-over snowmen.

And then Ghost Jarrod replaced them with some snow angels.

Beau interrupted Kensi's painting with a raucous game of pillow-fighting.

When he should have left him alone to take care of 'other' things . . . <_<!

KENSI - Th-this isn't what it looks like!

Well it LOOKS like you're peeing yourself, so . . .

KENSI - . . . it's Ichabod's fault!

Uh-huh . . . -5

He was also refusing to go to bed, so in order to avoid another fail I had mama toss an Invigoration Elixir at him.

He still hasn't managed to get a shower, though.

JOCELYN - So why haven't you showered yet? Hoping to find some diamonds in all that nasty soot or something?

KENSI - So what if I am? >:P

Cuddlebones came out for a haunting that night, and stole some of Starlight's food. Then took exception when Ichabod got too close.

Tadaaaaaah! Honour has maxed her cooking skill, which brings the total up to 3 completed and her Lifetime Wish fulfilled!!

That's +10 points for the scorecard!

What's this? A gathering of Goths? I decided we'd have a big Goth-Family-Bash to celebrate Jocelyn's teen birthday. Not playing favorites, her birthday just happened to line up with my random desire to have a party. XD

Up front is Felix and Raven's youngest, Hawk. The little kid is Henri (in the background)'s son Harold. The other guy is Dierdre's son Cedrick.

The next wave has Everett, Dimitri (Daphne's son) and Sarah (Dierdre's daughter). The lady in the blue coat is a crasher who was booted.

Up front in this shot is Felix's daughter Nightingale. To the left is her sister, Sparrow. And to the right, Everett's daughter Lola.

The girl in green is Gwendolyn's eldest daughter, Samantha. And in the back is Daphne, still alive thanks to her husband turning her into a vampire.

Gwendolyn's second daughter, Christina.

And then Gwendolyn herself, pregnant with her FORTH child. She's officially won the 4th Gen baby-race.

Of course most of the family flocks to the TV/Game system, like true Goths.

At least until Jocelyn steps up to her birthday cake and gets things officially underway.

That . . . is a lot of Goths. XD Out of all my legacies so far, the Goths have done the best job at going forth and procreating.

Jocelyn successfully transitions into a teen amidst the cheers of her extended family, rolling the Dislikes Children trait. Heheh, well then, better hope you don't get chosen as heiress or those babies are gonna happen whether you like it or not.

A better shot of her new look, without the family dog-pile. Her t-shirt says "Chaotic Evil - Means never having to say you're sorry."

I can't remember what it was that Honour was saying or asking her . . .

But it apparently went over well. Jocelyn is looking VERY pretty so far, even I must admit it.

BEAU - OMP where did all these people come from?!?!?!

Ironically enough, from your own loins in most cases. Seriously, Beau has now become a grandpa THIRTEEN TIMES over, as of release time.

Honour's twin sister Henri decided to play with some magic, something she NEVER did while she lived in this house.


Yep, definitely Honour's twin.

Jocelyn meanwhile was concocting some manner of evil plot . . .

This turned out to be the very bad idea of mocking her great-aunt Daphne . . .

JOCELYN - Seriously, those teeth make you look like a lizard. A rabid lizard-monkey from hell. Ick.

HAWK - Oh snap! Gonna see my cousin get beat down! Woo!

Unamused Daphne proceeded to lay some vampire smack-down on the poor teen.

Wow. O_o Scary-scary. I didn't notice anything different perse, but I think Jocelyn learned her lesson about making fun of vampires at least.

ICHABOD - Photobomb Champion, ftw.

NIGHTINGALE - Seriously, I'm glad I got to see Great-Aunt Daphne and all, but I wanna go home now. GTFO Lola!

LOLA - Nope.

EVERETT - Lola! Move!

LOLA - Nope.

DAPHNE - Everett! Get control of your spawn, dammit! I'm missing my shows!

And thus the birthday party ended on epic-status, and devolved into a massive traffic jam that lasted long into the night . . . .

Well then, that's it for this installment! Check back next time to see our Gen 5 continue to grow up and get into all manner of crazy situations. Until then, happy simming!


Self Wetting
: (24) -120
Passing Out : (21) - 105
Failing School : (0)
Game-Forced visit from Police, Firefighters or Babysitters : (0)
Accidental Deaths : (0)
Social Worker Visit : (0)
Cheat Penalty : (1) -10

Every Birth : (8) +45
Twins : (2) +20
Triplets : (0)
Fulfilling LTWs : (6) +60 
NTH Spouse Reaching Top of Career : (1) +5
Every Honor Roll : (2) +10
Randomizing every LTW and trait for an entire generation : (2) +20
Not Using Spares Lifetime Happiness points for an entire generation : (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : (3) +60
Painting of Torch Holder (1) : +5

TOTAL = +20 

PREVIOUS                                                      NEXT



    Great chapter, looove the randomness :) I HATE TRAFFIC JAMS. I GET THEM AT UNIVERSITY ALL THE TIME. Actually, I get them EVERYWHERE since installing Uni. Jerks.

    1. Heheh, Joce really is a looker. And she knows it, what's worse. XD I've managed to avoid really bad traffic jams for the most part, but I have yet to actually send a sim to University sooooo . . . I'm sure I'll experience them before too long. :P Thanks for commenting! :D

  2. I love the newspaper around the bed when Chi grows up. Reminds me of house training dogs and using the nespaper to catch pee puddles XD

    1. ROFL That just happens to be the random pattern I chose for the 'rug' but now I'm gonna think of that analogy every time I see it and giggle. :P Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Huh. Vampire smackdown? I didn't know they could do that. I haven't played a vamp yet, but most people gripe about them being weenie.

    Randomness is appropriate for an ISBI. I liked this post.
