Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2.8 Going Quietly Into That Good Night

Hey, lookit! I was meandering in my sims screens file and discovered that I had enough for another update! Huzzah! Let's just jump right in to things, shall we? Cassandra is proving her evilness--to herself if no one else--by donating money to undermine the various charities of Sunset Valley. I believe there's an achievement to be had somewhere in there, so that's what I'm going for.

This is just a shameless excuse to show off Beau's tatt.

Beau - I feel so objectified . . .

You'll get over it. :P

Jarrod's adulthood has given him a new and somewhat odd penchant for the romance channel on TV. It amuses me.

Hey there mister, you're too young for the juice!

Beau - *gulps shamelessly*

Tsk, tsk.

But then he defied the teenage delinquent image by making the family some pancakes for breakfast . . .

Paparazzi  - Cats are cool, amirite?

Daphne - You know what's cooler? Shirts. Why don't you go and find some, kay?

Jarrod - So . . . painting. That's a thing, right?

Mortimer - S'far as I know.

Bella - I know about paintings, why doesn't he ask ME?!

Jealous Bella is Jelly.

Jarrod has no time for such petty games however, because it's time to get his ROCK ON!!!!1!!1111!!1

Also, note the kids' oven that none of the kids ever touch. ;_;

Maid - I am in a house of musical GENIUSES! >:D

O_o . . . intense look of joy is INTENSE.

Paparazzi - The powerful Cassandra Goth, paying bills like the rest of us slobs. This'll get me a payday for sure!

Cassandra - Slow news week, apparently.

Amidst the random, it was time for the twins' teen birthday. I initiated them at the same time, but it seems Dierdre has beaten her sister Daphne to the cake.

Daphne - Oh, NICE one gramma. Just pee all over me before my birthday why don'cha?!

Bella - Oopsie.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh. -5

At any rate, Daphne managed to age up successfully, pee and all. She rarely did homework, so her teen trait is locked in but it's Dog Person, which isn't bad. Boring, but not bad.

Meanwhile Dierdre also aged up, DID have good grades and so she got to roll her next trait of Frugal.

Here we have a shot of the twins side by side, so you can see how identical they are. Pretty close if you ask me.

For some reason Mortimer takes it upon himself to mop up his wife's pee puddle. Grumpy-face and all.

It is here that I will announce the family has managed to earn 100,000k simoleons! Woooooo! That's a whopping +20 points, back out of the negatives again! (But not for long . . .)

With the excess income I converted the previously empty room into a work-out/dance room. Might as well give the athletic Daphne something to do . . .

Oh. Nice. Just ignore the extremely expensive exercise equipment in lieu of the friggin aerobics channel on TV. -_-

Creepy Paparazzi #3 is helping himself to Beau's drum set.

Bella continues to distract the hired help.

That isn't a pee puddle. As you can see from the smoke, the dishwasher is busted. AGAIN.

THAT is a pee puddle. >_< Jarrod spent too much time trying to mop up the never-ending water from the washer instead of attending to his needs.


Frugal Dierdre likes to go through the house clapping off all the unused lights, rather amusing.

And in between she manages to turn the house into one huge booby-trap. She gets those teen mood swings a lot and has to find SOME sort of outlet I suppose.

Oh, you guys . . . this would almost be adorable if you weren't getting it on in your daughter's bed. Again.

After that raucous morning woo-hoo it was out to the back porch for a bracing glass of juice.

Jarrod - . . . I didn't do that. Th-they were burnt when I got here.


All too soon it was time for Prom in Sunset Valley yet again. I got a fairly good shot of Beau in his 'suit,' but I missed the girls. <--fail

Here they all are getting ready to pile into the limo together.

Being as none of them have any significant love interests (barely any friends as yet), Prom was a little boring.

But an over-all success. I don't think they got into more than one fight a piece.

And I don't have a shot of Beau's prom pic (because it was boring) but I do have one of his Prom King crown. :D


Dood . . . just fix the tub and gtfo.

Heh . . . suggestive thought-bubble is suggestive. *eyebrow waggle*

Cuddlebones! He's such a cute kitty. I'm so sad that he's an elder already, I'm gonna miss him when he finally goes.

I mean just look! The CUTE!

Morty randomly decided to follow Jarrod into the bathroom and then chew him out for no apparent reason. Grumpy trait at it's best I suppose.

Afterward, Jarrod decided to get his Messiah on.

Then it was nekkie time in the hot tub. It took me til just now to realize what bugs me about this shot. He loses his tattoos when he's 'naked.'

Cuddlebones - OHAI. :D

I found this to be very sweet. Morty enjoying a good book while Bella watches her favorite show on TV. Sometimes it's quiet moments like these that can mean the world.

LAWL!!! If you're a reader of my 100 BC, you'll know why this amuses me so. I'd say it's safe to say that Bella's got 'that' on the brain.

Dierdre - OH PLUMBOBS, so nasty!!!

Indeed . . . all three of you are disgusting. -_- I dunno what's wrong with this generation and not wanting to shower. Beau has an excuse I suppose, being hydrophobic, but the other two have none.

Still, they all three manage to sit down to do their homework together and they are immediately forgiven any past transgressions. :D

I think she's dancing? I really have no idea why, though. Probably nothing else better to do.

Beau . . . I appreciate that you want to help out, but we don't NEED any more food right now.

At least he managed not to burn them. So, win?

For the first time in forever Mortimer turned down Bella's never-ending advances. It seems he was too tired for fun-time . . . and it would prove prophetically sad.

Nermal - Why sad?

You'll see, cute kitty. You'll see. D:

Because it seems Mortimer was more than just a little tired.

Mortimer - So much for that nap I had planned.

Daphne - What's going on in here? I feel strangely drawn to coming into this room . . .

Dierdre - I dunno, I don't see anything?

Mortimer - Over HERE, girls.

Daphne - OMG, not grampa!! Noooo! *sob*

Dierdre - I'd show more sadness but I was just slammed in the face with the door.

Beau - Yo, what's goin on in here? I don't see anything.


Grim - Hey, I heard somebody died on this lot? But I don't see anybody . . .

*faint sounds of muffled screams and curses through the window*

Everyone finally got everything all straightened out, and in the end Mortimer wasn't a poor sport about his death at all. He happily shook Grim's hand and moved on to the next great adventure.

His epic gravestone was placed in the family cemetery. It's hard to see, but his rememberance object is the huge laser-gun the Mad Scientists shoot things with when they experiment on them.

RIP Morty, you were an awesome founder. He lived to be 95 days old, not bad at all.

Since she wasn't home when her father died, Cass took some time afterward to go next door and mourn. Before she went back inside and zapped everybody with the moodlet manager.

Unfortunately she wasn't quick enough to prevent some fails from happening. Poor Beau. Poor, poor Beau.


Welp, that's it for this installment. Probably only one more chapter before the heir-vote. I can't guarantee exactly when that will happen because Supernatural comes out soon--which means all my legacies get put on hold until Nrass updates his Mods. And then on the 25th World of Warcraft : Mists of Pandaria comes out and that's definitely gonna steal me away for a while.

Just know that however long it takes for an update, I have not forgotten nor given up on my Goths. They will continue! Much love and thanks for all who've followed me this far and commented. Happy simming!


Self Wetting : -40
Passing Out : -70
Failing School :
Game-Forced visit from Police, Firefighters or Babysitters :
Accidental Deaths :
Social Worker Visit :

Every Birth : +15
Twins : +10
Triplets :
Fulfilling LTWs : +30 
NTH Spouse Reaching Top of Career :
Every Honor Roll : +5
Randomizing every LTW and trait for an entire generation : +10
Not Using Spares Lifetime Happiness points for an entire generation :
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : +40
Painting of Torch Holder :

TOTAL = 0  

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  1. >.< Oh noes. Most of the images on PB say they aren't available. *beats up PB*! >:/

    1. O_o . . weird. They're showing up for me. Maybe PB is having a fit.

  2. I is sad Morti died but the cicumstances were so funny surrounding it it makes up for it. lol.

    1. Aww, I'm glad. I was hoping to soften the blow a bit with humor, so I'm glad it worked. ^_^

  3. Awwww I was really sad when Mort kicked the bucket. I will miss him and his constant woohooing with Bella in Cassie's bed. HAHAHA. I can't wait for the heir vote though I am not sure who I like more, they all seem quite interesting. I think Beau might be it for me but not sure ;)! I had to relook at Jarrod's missing tattoos! That is a bit odd... walking on water AND then making them disappear... he's a bit magic imo! ;E

    Great update, now that I can actually see it! LOL <3

    1. Jarrod totally IS magic, lawl. I was very sad to see Morty go, but I'm sure he'll soon be back haunting it up in no time. I'm quite excited to see who ultimately wins the heir vote this gen.

  4. OH NO MORTIMER D: Sad Hayley is sad.
    At least Cassie will have peace of mind when it comes to her bed.
    I don't want Cuddlebones to ever die... Make him immortal :o

    1. I knooooowwwww, it was quite sad when Morty died. D: I wasn't expecting it at all, even tho he was past the max age. I mean his friggin DAD lived to be 110. >_< And indeed, you have a point about the bed! Lolol. I don't really want Cuddlebones to die eitherrrrr, but at the same time I do want a ghost skelly kitty? I'm torn. XD Thanks for commenting!
