Saturday, August 25, 2012

HEIR POLL for Generation 3!

Alrighty people, it's that heir-votin' time yet again here on Goth-Sanity! Let's get right to showing off the candidates, shall we?

First up we have the eldest of the brood, Beauregard Goth.

Beau is a Hydrophobic Loner who also has a touch of the Adventurous streak and a Virtuoso love of instruments. His final trait has yet to be determined. He enjoys Hip-Hop music, Cookies and the color White. His Lifetime Wish is to become a One-Sim Band, so he'll definitely be a stay-at-home daddy.

Next up, first born of a set of twins, Daphne Goth.

Daphne is a Good, Athletic and Lucky Dog Person, with her final trait yet to be determined. She enjoys Classical music, French Toast (just like grampa Mortimer) and the color Purple. Her Lifetime wish is to become a Superstar Athlete.

And finally, the baby of this generation, Dierdre Goth.

Dierdre is a Clumsy and Grumpy sim who's very Frugal and a bit of a Light Sleeper, with her final trait yet to be determined. She enjoys Indie music, Lobster Thermidor and the color Pink. Unlike her siblings, she has yet to roll/choose a Lifetime Wish, so that's also still up in the air for her.

As an added bonus--since we have yet to see any of them in the actual challenge--I'll also present to you our two potential spouses for the next generation as well. 

If either girl wins heirship, their husband will be this fellow here (barring any unforseen mishaps or disasters). His name is Kurt McIrish, he has bright red hair and PURPLE EYES. I haven't checked his traits yet, but his genetics are WIN.

And if Beauregard wins heirship, his wife will be this little lovely here. This is actually Kurt's younger sister, Caitlyn McIrish. She also has the pretty hair and PURPLE EYES. So I will win, no matter what, lolol.

Have any idea who you want to see lead the Goths into the future of insanity? GOOD! Then mouse yourself over to the right-hand side of this blog and GET TO VOTIN! I look forward to the results! Thanks everyone in advance! <3!

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2.9 A Steamy-Good Time

We're back again! It's Goth-Sanity time!! I wanted to get this (potentially last) chapter of Generation 2 before Supernatural drops and I won't be able to play in this file again until Twallan updates his awesomesauce mods.

SO! Without further ado, let's get down to it. We're opening up this chapter with Father and son enjoying some jam time on the weekend.

Although Jarrod seems to be hamming it up quite a bit and probably showing up poor Beau, who's only 4 or 5 in his drumming skill atm. Not cool, Jarrod. Not cool.

Meanwhile, look who decided to use the equipment I bought her! Yay Daphne, you make a simmer proud. FEEL THE BURN! . . . from that face, I'd say she's feelin' it.

Gramma decides on a nice relaxing dip in the hot tub.

After her workout, Daphne went outside to do her homework, under the watchful gaze of Pongo/Perdita. 

DAPHNE - There's a dog-gnome on the table.

Well sweetie, there's a perfectly good table in the dining-room that's gnome free if that's what you really wanted . . .

In the midst of yet another teen mood-swing, Dierdre decided to set a whoopie cushion booby-trap on one of the outdoor benches.

Unrendered Gramma Bella was NOT amused. This was all the more hilarious considering she used to let Cassandra get away with setting booby-traps all the time. I thought grandparents were supposed to be more lenient to their grandchildren?

Yay, they all found their beds! I'm so proud.

Too bad Bella couldn't find the bathroom. SIGH.


Also, still not rendering. Wth, Bella?

I finally forced her to change out of her bathing suit and she rendered fine. Weird.

It was at this point that I went ahead and purchased the Gold version of Sunlit Tides (I'm weak, I must have all the pretties, D: ). And after fighting with my game for 3+ hours to get the damned sauna to actually work, I was determined to use it in my current game. So the Goths got a redo of their back porch area. 

They have the sauna and a massage table under the little gazeebo-thingy there, and the new hot-tub that came with Sunlit Tides next to it.

I moved the juice bar to the other side with the grill, and added some fountains to the pool. I saw something similar in the Sunlit Tides preview and thought it looked nifty.

Dierdre was the first to discover the new additions.

DIERDRE - Wow, we're rich. 

Pretty much, yeah, lol. The household is almost worth a total of 300k simoleons. Which makes me wonder . . . for the 100k simoleon points, is that for overall household networth, or do they have to have 100k actually IN their family funds at any given time? Because I've been counting the former, as I like to add on to and build new additions on the homes and buy businesses . . . .

Anyway, Dierdre decides to autonomously enjoy the new sauna before I even have a chance to send her mother out to test it. So YAY it works. :D

Meanwhile Beau enjoys himself another glass of juice. Why the pouty face, though?

Pongo and Perdita really enjoy hanging out on the juice bar, btw.

CASSANDRA - This sauna is really nice, huh?

DIERDRE - What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of how AWESOME this sauna is!

Yeah, the family is enjoying it. :P

Oh Beau. D: He already needed to pee, so the juice didn't help that situation any at all.


After her steam, Cassandra decided to try out the massage table by giving the hubby a ROMANTIC massage. I'm thinking my PC is still borked though, because he didn't get any kind of moodlet from it. -_-

WINNING, EA. Straight up winning.

Still, the animations are nice. Lighting up some mood candles . . .

Puttin' on some oils . . . .

(Also, notice that the sauna hasn't turned off the steam yet, lol. Wonder if that's another glitch?)

And then we get our rubz on. I love how I have butterfly/lightning bug spawners just off to the side, gives some great ambiance.

Cuddlebones gets some wuv and attention from Dierdre.

And finally, Cassandra tests out our new hot tub to make sure all is in working order.

See? They love this thing.

Beau finally got a shower, but unfortunately he decided to use the one his sister had booby-trapped . . .

BEAU - . . . my hair is yellow, isn't it.

Uuuuh . . .


Cass convinced Jarrod to come and spend some time with her in the hot tub. He didn't take much convincing, fyi. XD

The next morning . . .

CASSANDRA - Who am I? What was I doing?

CASSANDRA - LAWL, just kidding. I'm the most powerful, badass Power Broker that Sunset Valley has ever seen.


It's currently 7:30 AM and Daphne has JUST decided to try and go to sleep. -_- Luckily she gets enough shut eye to sustain her getting on the bus and into school, and then she gets away with sleeping in class. So no fails on her end at least.

And Bella randomly decides to give Beau an acupuncture massage RIGHT before the bus is supposed to show up. O_o

And if you ask me, Bella is having WAAAY too much fun throwing needles into her grandson's back. O_o

At the same time, Jarrod was getting himself some hydrotherapy. I'm so jealous. D:

Kids are in school? You know what that means!

JARROD - NEKKIE TIME!! *throws off clothes and hops into the hot tub*

Every. Day. Every Single Day. Lolol

In other news, lookit! Jarrod finally managed to max out his guitar skill! He's also recently become a Pop Star (level 9). Just one more for a completed LTW!! Go Jarrod go!

Wow. It takes a lot for something to get so filthy that even BELLA can't stand herself and cleans it up. 

The black toilets look so nasty when they get dirty. O_O *shudder*

BEAU - Why is she sitting in here on the floor?

DIERDRE - I dunno, maybe trying to get away from us?

BEAU & DIERDRE - *starestarestarestarestare*

Aww, Jarrod!! The juice bar strikes again.


Wow. Bella doesn't have any excuse, other than straight-up laziness. >_<

CUDDLEBONES - Wow, nasty. Even I use the litterbox, lady.


That's right dear, just shake it off.

Beau giving his little sister Dierdre a Swedish massage? Ooookay . . . .

Randomly, this caused both of their energy bars to refill? Glitch? Unforseen bonus?

It is here that I decided to dip my toes into the water of default replacements. The skin replacement is by Navetsea, found here. And the eyes are by -Shady-, found here.

It's gonna take a little getting used to, but overall I like them. The eyes especially are much, much brighter. Bella's is kind of shocking, at first I thought it had changed her eye-color, lol. I really like the new topical details, such as the age-spots on elder Bella here.

New Jarrod! He looks very similar, only his lips are a little lighter/brighter I think.

New Cassandra! She also looks very similar, just with brighter eyes.

The kids are currently at school, so guess where Jarrod is? *snicker* And sans tattoos, so you know he's nekkid.

New Beau! Complete with stink-cloud. I think Beauregard has benefited the most by my default replacements, they REALLY suit him.

New Daphne! The twins' new eyes are really pretty, imo.

See? PRETTY! New Dierdre. :D

Exhausted, Dierdre goes outside and naps on one of the pool benches. The lighting in this shot strikes me as really pretty for some reason.

He found his bed! Yay! He was about to pass out, I was waiting for another fail.

Jarrod decided to go find Bella in the study and share some secrets.

No idea what they were about, but both of them were thoroughly amused.

Did I hear someone asking for some Cuddlebones spam? No? Well, have some anyways, because . . . CUDDLEBONES! <3

And then he graced me with this. Not sure if torn-up mouse or hairball/puke . . .

Dammit, Beau, cut it out!! I'm not supposed to pick a favorite!! ;_;

..... *totally already did* ......

Dierdre does me proud by cleaning up some dirty dishes, while Bella and Daphne chit-chat, and Beau just stands there . . . staring off into the distance. *random*

Jarrod continues to get his jam on from time to time, despite being maxed in the skill.

Since it was her day off, Cassandra got sent to the laundromat to do some laundry. Free moodlet ftw!

Some fooseball while she waits.

Fooseball is srs bsns.

Then it was back home to enjoy more sauna time with the hubby.

And they REALLY enjoyed it. If you know what I mean. *eyebrow waggle*

So generation 2 is drawing to a close, and the beginning of generation 3 is right around the corner! Who will take over the position of Torch Holder and carry the Goth family into the future?

It's for all of you decide, because the heir-poll is next! Stay tuned, and as always, HAPPY SIMMING!


Self Wetting : -60
Passing Out : -70
Failing School :
Game-Forced visit from Police, Firefighters or Babysitters :
Accidental Deaths :
Social Worker Visit :

Every Birth : +15
Twins : +10
Triplets :
Fulfilling LTWs : +30 
NTH Spouse Reaching Top of Career :
Every Honor Roll : +5
Randomizing every LTW and trait for an entire generation : +10
Not Using Spares Lifetime Happiness points for an entire generation :
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : +40
Painting of Torch Holder :

TOTAL = -20  

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